
Create NFTs From Your Phone

NFT GO allows you to publish NFTs directly on all the major blockchains, including the Ethereum Mainnet and Polygon Networks, right from your phone. Plus you can buy NFTs from the most popular NFT artists and creators in the world, through exclusive NFT GO drops! NFT GO is the world's largest collection of NFT art and digital assets on mobile!


Create and Sell your NFTs


Set up your wallet

You can import an existing wallet using your private key or 12 word seed phrase, or allow NFT Go to generate a new one for you.


Top up Gems

Buy some gems from the gem store to pay for the gas fees of your NFTs


Select an NFT

Select an image from your camera roll and add the corresponding name, description, and metadata.


List them for sale

Preview and Mint your NFT. Once minted, you can list your NFTs for sale on platforms like Opensea and Rarible


More Info

All minted NFTs are secured by the Ethereum, Binance, and Polygon blockchains, and cannot be duplicated, destroyed, or forged. Your wallet address is unique, and accessible only by you. NFTs are fetched from OpenSea.